Jeden Donnerstag im September, 21 Uhr
Every Thursday in September | 9.00 PM
Fee: approx. 60 € (70 $) for the 4 lectures
Kosten: ca. 60 € (70 $) für vier Lesungen
You’ll find all needed details here:
(The mentioned time (3:00 PM) on the JxJ-Website is the local time of Washington D.C.)
The code for discount: 18ALIYOT60
Israeli singer, composer, and folklore expert Noam Vazana guides a global exploration of the Jewish sound through 18 songs. Each of classic tunes from Germany, Russia, Yemen, Morocco, Poland, Ethiopia (and more) represent 18 Aliyot (migration waves). Each song encapsulates a culture, setting, or feeling from its place of origin, as well a strand of Israeli cultural and personal identity brought over through the music. Taken together, these beloved sounds offer an eye-opening reflection on how Israel came to be the multi-cultured, vibrant, and complex state it is today.
This four-part lecture and conversation series is an audiophilic dive into the Ashkenazi culture of Europe; the Sephardim of Andalusia; the Israelites of Africa; and the melting pot of Klezmer in Hollywood. Each class will be accompanied by rare archival video and photos courtesy of the National Library in Jerusalem.
Fee: approx. 60 € (70 $) for the 4 lectures | Kosten: ca. 60 € (70 $) für vier Lesungen
You’ll find all needed details here:
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