
18 Aliyot

Es wur­den kei­ne Ergeb­nis­se gefun­den, die dei­nen Such­kri­te­ri­en entsprechen.

18 Aliyot
A series of 4 lectures in the depth of Israeli folklore
Vierteilige Lesereihe in englischer Sprache über die 18 Einwanderungswellen nach Israel

Jeden Don­ners­tag im Sep­tem­ber, 21 Uhr
Every Thurs­day in Sep­tem­ber | 9.00 PM

Fee: approx. 60 € (70 $) for the 4 lectures
Kos­ten: ca. 60 € (70 $) für vier Lesungen

You’ll find all nee­ded details here:
(The men­tio­ned time (3:00 PM) on the JxJ-Web­­si­te is the local time of Washing­ton D.C.)

The code for dis­count: 18ALIYOT60

Israe­li sin­ger, com­po­ser, and folk­lo­re expert Noam Vaz­a­na gui­des a glo­bal explo­ra­ti­on of the Jewish sound through 18 songs. Each of clas­sic tunes from Ger­ma­ny, Rus­sia, Yemen, Moroc­co, Pol­and, Ethio­pia (and more) repre­sent 18 Ali­y­ot (migra­ti­on waves). Each song encap­su­la­tes a cul­tu­re, set­ting, or fee­ling from its place of ori­gin, as well a strand of Israe­li cul­tu­ral and per­so­nal iden­ti­ty brought over through the music. Taken tog­e­ther, the­se bel­oved sounds offer an eye-ope­­ning reflec­tion on how Isra­el came to be the mul­­ti-cul­­tu­­red, vibrant, and com­plex sta­te it is today.

This four-part lec­tu­re and con­ver­sa­ti­on series is an audio­phi­lic dive into the Ash­ke­n­a­zi cul­tu­re of Euro­pe; the Sephar­dim of Anda­lu­sia; the Israe­li­tes of Afri­ca; and the mel­ting pot of Klez­mer in Hol­ly­wood. Each class will be accom­pa­nied by rare archi­val video and pho­tos cour­te­sy of the Natio­nal Libra­ry in Jerusalem.

Fee: approx. 60 € (70 $) for the 4 lec­tures | Kos­ten: ca. 60 € (70 $) für vier Lesungen

You’ll find all nee­ded details here:


In Coope­ra­ti­on with: