Die Bilderserie der Deportation der Wiesbadener Jüdinnen und Juden am 1. September 1942
Montag, 29. August, 20 Uhr
Online-Vortrag in englischer Sprache über ZOOM Cloud-Meetings
Dr. Kay Dreyfus, Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation, Monash University, Melbourne

(Bild: Am 1. September 1942 fand die letzte der drei großen Deportationen Wiesbadener Jüdinnen und Juden vom Gelände des Schlachthofs unter Mitwirkung der Polizei statt.
StadtA WI, Sammlung Richard Rudolph, Fotograf: unbekannt.)
For reasons that remain unclear to this day, the deportation of some 521 mainly elderly Jews from Wiesbaden and surrounding districts, via Frankfurt, to Theresienstadt on 1st September 1942 was documented in a series of photographs by an allegedly unknown photographer. This lecture examines the photographs as an historical record, looking at what they communicate to the viewer, the ways in which this communication takes place and how, at times, the images act as a corrective to written accounts of the events. Dr. Dreyfus will discuss the features that make this series distinctive among the many surviving deportation photographs from other cities. The talk also addresses some of the myths and misinformation that have collected around the photographs in the public narrative and several institutional databases and that persist, even though it is now eighty years since the photographs were taken and more than forty years since they entered the public domain and began to be spoken and written about.